The greatest oak was once a
little nut who stood it’s ground.

As an Asian with ADHD and Autism, I also grew up in violence, addiction and abuse.

Surviving all this and finally attaining a very late diagnosis and treatment has led me to begin to embrace vulnerability and courage in the hopes for change in future generations within the BIPOC / LGBTQIA++ diasporas.

In a culture that worries constantly about “saving face” but celebrates Bian Lian (Chinese quick mask changing performances) - I am hoping to being about education, comfort, support and change with my work in my small way.

This page and dream started as a plunge into music, art, food, life and freedom but though my work and growth I have found that nothing helps me find the mettle to fight my depression and anxiety better than helping others.

I believe that opening the doors for these conversations and fighting for better days is what will help us come together.

Writing this in the tail end of 2020 has been a year too late since I’ve wanted to update and upgrade this site. But once again, as I try to forgive myself for both the pressure and pains of growing, this is a love letter and apology to my younger self and I hope it serves a source of strength for you if you need an extra boost or quiet comfort as you fight your personal, valid battles.

We are better together and I am the same strange kid I’ve always been - just trying to live a little larger because it turns out neurodiversity isn’t a jail but a key to acceptance and a whole array of amazing human diversity that everyone should have privy and the manuals to unlock.

I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m going to work hard on the days my body and brain allow me to try.